Friday 9 December 2011

Virginia Tech gunman named as Ross Truett Ashley

watches now enjoy ross Truett Ashley, the Virginia Tech gunman who shot police officer Deriek W Crouse. Photograph: Virginia state police/AP
Police have named the Virginia Tech gunman who shot dead a policeman and then himself as Ross Truett Ashley, a part-time student from nearby Radford University.
The day before Thursday's shootings, 22-year-old Ashley stole a sport utility vehicle at gunpoint from a real estate office in nearby Radford. The car was found on the Virginia Tech campus.
Police said Ashley walked up to the police officer and fired, then took off for the campus greenhouses, dropping his pullover, wool cap and backpack. He made his way to a nearby parking lot and when a deputy spotted him he shot himself.
Deriek W Crouse, 39, was the police officer killed. He had been on the Virginia Tech force for four years, joining about six months after 33 people were killed in a classroom building and dorm on 16 April 2007.
Crouse pulled over a student on Thursday and was shot while sitting in his unmarked cruiser. The student didn't have any link to the gunman, state police spokeswoman Corrine Geller said.
Shortly before 12.30pm police received a call from a witness who said an officer had been shot. About six minutes later the first campus-wide alert was sent by email, text message and electronic signs in university buildings. Many students on campus were preparing for exams and they were told to stay indoors.
Fifteen minutes after the witness called police a deputy sheriff noticed a man at the back of another parking lot nearby. The man was by himself, looking around furtively and acting "a little suspicious" according to Geller.
The deputy drove up and down the rows of the parking lot and lost sight of the man for a moment. The deputy then found the man lying on the pavement, shot dead. The handgun was nearby. Police said nobody witnessed the suicide.
The shootings unfolded on the same day Virginia Tech officials were in Washington fighting a federal government fine over their handling of the 2007 massacre. About 150 students gathered silently Thursday night for a candlelit vigil on a field facing the memorial for the 2007 victims.
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Saturday 28 May 2011

Watches this Honduras: Ousted President Manuel Zelaya return

We are see tis Honduras: Ousted President Manuel Zelaya return

Manuel Zelaya urged his supporters to carry out only "peaceful resistance"

Former Honduran President Manuel Zelaya, who was ousted from office in 2009, has returned to Honduras.

Mr Zelaya was forced into exile by the military after he failed to abide by a Supreme Court order to cancel a non-binding vote on changing the constitution.

Thousands of supporters greeted him at the airport in Tegucigalpa.

A deal signed by Mr Zelaya and current President Porfirio Lobo on Monday helped pave the way for his return.

Mr Zelaya arrived on board a private plane from Nicaragua.

Speaking to his cheering supporters in Tegucigalpa, he urged an end to "coups" in Honduras, saying that resistance should be "peaceful".

"The problem of poverty, of corruption, of the great challenges of Latin American societies won't be resolved through violence, but through more democracy," the former president said.

Earlier, he admitted that his exile had been "torture".

His wife, Xiomara Castro, said: "Today we begin the true reconciliation in Honduras."

A larger crowd of Mr Zelaya's supporters is expected in the capital later on Saturday.

Mr Zelaya's return became possible after Mr Zelaya signed an agreement with his successor, Mr Lobo, in Colombia on Monday.

The accord, negotiated by the Venezuelan and the Colombian presidents, also prepares the way for Honduras's re-entry in the Organisation of American States.

Honduras had been expelled from the regional body after Mr Zelaya's forced departure.

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Watches Afghanistan: Suicide blast kills top police commander

We are understand this Afghanistan: Suicide blast kills top police commande

General Daud was attending a meeting with other officials when the bomber struck, reports say

The police commander for northern Afghanistan has been killed in a suicide bomb attack on the provincial governor's compound in Takhar.

Gen Mohammad Daud Daud is one of at least six people killed in the attack, claimed by the Taliban.

Two German soldiers were killed and Gen Markus Kneip, commander of foreign troops in north Afghanistan, wounded.

Afghanistan has seen a series of attacks in recent months by militants on police and military targets.

Takhar provincial Governor Abdul Jabar Taqwa is among those wounded, officials said.

Gen Daud was former military commander of the Northern Alliance, the Afghan forces who fought the Taliban.

Police uniform
The latest attack will be seen as significant because it has struck an area of the country's north which has been seen as relatively secure.

Continue reading the main story

Lyse Doucet
BBC News
Powerful, charismatic, controversial - General Daud played a critical role as Afghan forces prepare to take over from Isaf in key cities this year.

When I last saw him in the northern city of Mazar-i-Sharif in March, he was calm and confident as he organised a major security operation during Nawroz (New Year) celebrations.

Despite reports of suicide bombers in the city, there were no attacks. But he came under criticism weeks later when the UN compound was stormed by a violent mob.

There were persistent allegations he played a key role in the drugs trade he was meant to stop. But his charm and capabilities won him allies among foreign forces - although some expressed suspicion there was an "agenda" of greater autonomy for the North.

The attack will heighten concerns over the Taliban's campaign to assassinate key Afghan figures.

One intelligence official who survived the attack in Taloqan told the BBC's Bilal Sarwary that Gen Daud had left a meeting and was heading to the second floor of the building when there was a huge explosion.

"There was fire. Daud and the police chief of Takhar province were laying on the ground. There were shouts and crying. There was chaos all over the place," the official said.

Intelligence officials said Gen Daud had been warned about a threat to his life and that security was extremely tight.

However, the attacker was wearing a police uniform and passed several security checks.

Gen Daud was in charge of all interior ministry forces in northern Afghanistan and is the most senior figure to be killed so far in a Taliban "spring offensive".

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Sunday 8 May 2011

Special news Obama thanks special forces for daring bin Laden raid

Watches Obama thanks special forces for daring bin Laden raid

FORT CAMPBELL, Ky. — President Obama on Friday privately thanked some of the special military operators who killed Osama bin Laden. "Job well done," he said of their daring raid.

In a series of closed-door meetings, Obama and Vice President Joseph Biden met with some of the special-operations forces who went on Monday's raid in Pakistan and with members of the broader assault force that supported the mission.

"I came here for a simple reason: to say thank you on behalf of America," Obama told soldiers at Fort Campbell, the home of the 101st Airborne Division, after his private meetings.

"Thanks to the incredible skill and courage of countless individuals, intelligence, military, over many years, the terrorist leader who struck our nation on 9/11 will never threaten America again," he said.

The president said he had visited New York the day before to pay homage to the victims of bin Laden's 2001 terrorist attacks, as well as to the firefighters and police who responded to the catastrophe.

"I promised that our nation will never forget those we lost that dark September day," he told about 2,000 troops in a steamy hangar. "And today, here at Fort Campbell, I had the privilege of meeting the extraordinary special-ops folks who honored that promise," he said. "It was a chance for me to say, on behalf of all Americans and people around the world, job well done. Job well done."

The commandos — Army helicopter pilots and Navy SEALs — briefed Obama about the raid, administration aides said, and he gave each of the groups the Presidential Unit Citation, the highest honor he can give a military unit.

The extraordinary sessions were kept private to protect the identities of those involved.

Obama also met Cairo, a dog used to help alert the special-operations teams to hidden threats. Cairo is the only member of the raid team to be identified
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Watches this sincere Army tanks enter Syrian flashpoint city Banias, say activists

Army tanks enter Syrian flashpoint city Banias, say activists

SYRIAN troops backed by tanks swept today into Banias, a hub of anti-regime protests, as residents formed human chains in a bid to halt the military operation.

Electricity and communications were cut as the tanks entered along three axes heading towards the southern sector of the city on the Mediterranean coast, the bastion of the protesters.

An army boat patrolled offshore, the activists said, reached by telephone from Nicosia.

The violence followed an agreement by the European Union to impose sanctions on 13 Syrian officials involved in the regime's brutal crackdown on protests. The EU will meet Monday to discuss whether to target Syrian President Bashar al Assad as well, diplomats said.

The US has also warned it would take "additional steps" against Syria if it continues its crackdown on protests, a week af imposing tough sanctions on the Arab nation.
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Watches this sincere Army tanks enter Syrian flashpoint city Banias, say activists

Army tanks enter Syrian flashpoint city Banias, say activists

Watches Libyan tribal support for Gaddafi unclear due to media spin

Libyan tribal support for Gaddafi unclear due to media spin

Media outlets from around the world provided inconsistent characterizations of Friday’s National Conference for Libyan Tribes – some saying the tribes support Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi while others claim the tribes called for Gaddafi to cede power. Common among the news reports was the assertion that the tribes wanted the civil war to end and amnesty for those who fought in it.

French news outlet Agence France-Presse reported that the tribes called the rebels "traitors" and pledged not to "abandon" or "forsake" Gaddafi in a statement issued by the conference. The statement also supposedly called for marches to "liberate" rebel-held towns:

"The conference also calls all Libyan tribes neighbouring the towns and cities hijacked by armed groups to move peacefully in popular marches to liberate those highjacked towns, disarming the armed rebels.”

Italy’s Agenzia Giornalistica Italia claimed that “The National Conference for Libyan tribes organized by the regime said they were clearly for Muammar Gaddafi”.

A Euronews article stated that the tribes “…called for national unity, urged the rebels to disarm and demanded NATO end its bombing campaign.” Pakistan’s International News quoted Mahmud Mohammed Ali, the representative for the southern tribes as saying during his speech:

Continue reading on Libyan tribal support for Gaddafi unclear due to media spin - National Geopolitics |
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Attacted to now Taliban launch string of attacks on key Afghan city

Watches Taliban launch string of attacks on key Afghan city

May 2011 KANDAHAR, Afghanistan - The Taliban unleashed a wave of attacks including six suicide bombings on government targets in the major southern Afghan city of Kandahar Saturday, leaving at least 14 people wounded.
Militants with guns and rocket-propelled grenades launched an assault on the governor’s office, and ten explosions including six suicide blasts rocked the city — the birthplace of the Taliban — after the attacks began at about 1:00 pm (0930 GMT).

Gunmen occupied a hotel near the local office of Afghanistan’s intelligence service, while suicide bombers tried to attack two police offices in the south’s de facto capital but were shot before they could reach their targets.

In chaotic scenes, an AFP reporter said gunfire was still ringing out as ambulances evacuated the wounded, who included three policemen, from the area.

“Small-arms fire is still going on. Two RPGs (rocket-propelled grenades) have been fired onto the (governor’s) building so far,” provincial spokesman Zalmay Ayubi told AFP.

“The northern and eastern sides of the compound are under direct attack,” he said, also giving details of the other attacks.

It is believed that Kandahar governor Tooryalai Wesa was holed up in his compound.

A spokesman for Kandahar’s main hospital, Doctor Hashem, said that 14 people had been brought in with injuries, including three police.

The Taliban claimed responsibility for the attacks, with spokesman Yusuf Ahmadi claiming that “heavy casualties have been inflicted on the enemy”.

The militia had warned on Friday that this week’s killing of Al-Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden by US forces in Pakistan would give “a new impetus” to their fight against foreign and Afghan forces.

They had already announced the start of their annual spring offensive last week.

But Ahmadi did not mention bin Laden’s death in the context of the Kandahar attacks in his comments to AFP.

The assault against the heavily guarded governor’s compound was launched from two nearby buildings including a shopping mall which the attackers had ordered shopkeepers to leave shortly before the violence began.

There are around 130,000 international troops in Afghanistan, two-thirds of them from the United States, battling the Taliban and other insurgents.

Limited withdrawals from seven relatively peaceful areas, only one of which is in southern Afghanistan, are due to start in July ahead of the planned end of foreign combat operations in 2014.

International forces claim that Kandahar and the surrounding area are now safer following months of intense fighting to clear traditional Taliban strongholds.

But government officials and other targets are still frequently targeted by militants in the city.
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We are know the Law of Nations or a Nation's Law?

Watches Law of Nations or a Nation's Law?

Displaying the audacity of courage against the cowardice of despair and revenge, Navi Pillay, the UN Human Rights Chief, has just called for an investigation and full disclosure of the legalities and circumstances surrounding the Obama Administration's raid against Osama bin Laden, leader of Al Qaeda. It is a courageous act in the sense that, for years the United States has disregarded the idea of an international order, one built on mutual agreements and an honorable trust to comply with the laws of the United Nations.

The United Nations developed and was finally realized only after centuries of illegal invasions, military raids, and utter chaos between nation-states that caused millions of unnecessary deaths. It was Thomas Aquinas, a 13th century Christian theologian, who first proposed the idea of "the law of nations." He made a clear distinction between the laws of individual states-to keep peace and order-and the possibility of the "law of nations" which all states should obey and which would govern the relationships between them.

In the 16th century, the Spanish Jesuit theologian Francisco Suarez elaborated on Aquinas' "law of nations." He wrote that a nation should always respect another nation's natural laws, or the right to their own life, their own sense of liberty, their own property, and their own happiness-popular sovereignty. Later, the Dominican Francisco de Vitoria advocated laws "created by the authority of the whole world" and not just pacts or agreements between certain states. Such laws would be created and agreed upon by the authority of the whole world.

As a result of World War I and II, a new urgency prevailed regarding the prevention of wars and their horrific consequences. Initially, the United Nations was formed as a collaborative system that would solve international conflicts while enforcing peace, security, and the international rule of law. In practice, though, five permanent security council members have often used the United Nations for their own nationalistic self interests. After the collapse of the Soviet Union, the hegemony of a single superpower, the United States, has disregarded the "law of nations" by acting as a global policeman.

The role of the United States an imperial power that is undermining the United Nation's rule of international laws, was evident right after the attacks on Sept. 11, 2001. The Bush Administration rejected overtures from the Afghani authorities and the Taliban, who wanted to work through the United Nations and with the United States in capturing, arresting and trying Osama bin Laden. Not only was this a clear violation of the United Nations Charter and "the law of nations," but so were the preemptive wars against Afghanistan and Iraq, including their ongoing military occupations.

This self-absorbed "United Nations" within a United Nations has also dishonored its commitment to the Geneva Conventions by pursuing torturous acts against suspected enemy combatants at secret locations. It has even captured and detained indefinitely hundreds of innocent civilians from other nations. The military raid that assassinated Osama bin Laden violated Pakistan's air space and its national sovereignty. It was another violent act that blatantly disregarded the international rule of law. It sends a clear message to other nations that the United States considers itself outside of the "law of nations."

One must also wonder what Americans would think if a foreign nation like Iraq or Afghanistan-both of which had hundreds of thousands of people killed due to America's preemptive wars and its ongoing military occupations-violated United States airspace by sending in military hit-men and assassinated George W. Bush or Dick Cheney in their multi-million dollar buttressed mansions? How would Americans respond if Chile sent their special forces to South Kent, Connecticut and captured Henry Kissinger to be imprisoned and then tried for instigating Chile's own Sept. 11, 1973?

The United States and its policies and laws might generally appear benign, but it is not immune to the distortions of self-interests and committing acts of injustice and revenge. As the United States monopoly of power comes to an end, Americans must be vigilant against becoming a rogue (but dying) superpower. They must guard against their leaders destroying the "law of nations" and resorting to a kind of hyper-revenge. The preemptive invasions of Iraq and Afghanistan and the assassination of Osama bin Laden regrettably points to a new and fatal code: An eye for a body, and a tooth for a nation.

Dallas Darling (

(Dallas Darling is the author of Politics 501: An A-Z Reading on Conscientious Political Thought and Action, Some Nations Above God: 52 Weekly Reflections On Modern-Day Imperialism, Militarism, And Consumerism in the Context of John's Apocalyptic Vision, and The Other Side Of Christianity: Reflections on Faith, Politics, Spirituality, History, and Peace. He is a correspondent for You can read more of Dallas' writings at and
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Enjoy Italy 'offers to arm rebels' as Gaddafi forces destroy oil tanks

We are saw now enjoy Italy 'offers to arm rebels' as Gaddafi forces destroy oil tanks

Anti-Gaddafi rebels say Italy has offered to arm them with "whatever they need to liberate Libya". A rebel spokesman in the eastern city of Benghazi, declined to specify what kind of weapons would be provided, and last night the Italian foreign ministry denied the claim.

The confusing reports came after Libyan government forces attacked a Misrata oil depot, causing a huge fire. Fuel tanks were still engulfed in flames hours after the early morning attack. The depot contains vital stores of fuel for cars, trucks, ships and generators powering hospitals and other key sites.

Rebel spokesman Ahmed Hassan said: "Four fuel tanks were totally destroyed and a huge fire erupted which spread to the other four. We cannot extinguish it because we do not have the right tools. Now the city will face a major problem. Those were the only sources of fuel for the city. These tanks could have kept the city for three months with enough fuel."

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Mr Hassan said government forces used small planes normally used to spray pesticides for the overnight attack in the Qasr Ahmed neighbourhood. He later told Al-Jazeera television that three helicopters bearing Red Crescent insignia conducted the attack.

Another rebel spokesman, who gave his name as Abdelsalam, said a government helicopter conducted a reconnaissance mission over the port and two hours later at around midnight local time government forces fired rockets that hit three fuel tanks belonging to the Brega Oil Company.

Footage of the incident posted on YouTube by Libyan students in Misrata showed firefighters turning water hoses on a raging fire in a vain attempt to extinguish it.

Rebels notified Nato about the planes before the attack but there was no response, Mr Hassan said. Government forces flew at least one helicopter reconnaissance mission over Misrata last month, according to rebels. The loss of the oil is likely to be a significant development in the battle for control of Misrata, the only city in western Libya still in rebel
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We are see the Nine killed in sectarian violence in Cairo

Watches this image Nine killed in sectarian violence in Cairovv

CAIRO (AFP) – Clashes between Muslims and Christians in the Egyptian capital Cairo left nine dead and more than 100 injured and a church was set on fire, medical and security officials said.
The two groups clashed after Muslims attacked the Coptic Saint Mena church in the working class neighbourhood of Imbaba to free a Christian woman they alleged was being held against her will because she wanted to convert to Islam.
A parish priest, Father Hermina, told AFP that at least five of the dead were Copts who died when "thugs and (Muslim fundamentalist) Salafis fired at them" in the late afternoon attack.
The Gospel had been laid on a body wrapped in a sheet that was lying inside the church. The church floor was bloodstained as wounded Christians were brought in for treatment.
Outside, military police parked several armoured cars to block off Muslim protesters.
They fired their guns into the air as Christians in front of the church and Muslim protesters down the street hurled stones at each other. The Muslim protesters threw firebombs, one of them setting an apartment near the church on fire.
"Oh God! Oh Jesus!" chanted the Coptic protesters. They scuffled with soldiers, blaming them for not doing enough to protect them.
The soldiers advanced at Muslim protesters who edged closer to the church, firing over their heads to repel them. Special forces were later deployed outside the church.
An officer ordered a soldier to escort an AFP journalist away from the church, saying "no journalists are allowed."
Hermina and witnesses had said the Muslims tried to storm the church earlier in the day, claiming the Christians were holding a Muslim woman.
Elsewhere in Imbaba, Muslim protesters threw firebombs at another church, setting it on fire, police officials said. They said the fire was put out.
At one of the cordons outside the St Mena church, Muslim protesters said they were first fired upon by the Copts, after they tried to find a Christian woman they say converted to Islam and was being held inside.
"They started firing on us. We were peaceful," said one of the protesters who gave his name as Mamduh. "We won't leave until they give up their weapons and the people who killed us are tried."
No weapons could be seen inside the church and the Copts there said they had none.
Egypt's mufti -- the government's chief interpreter of Islamic law -- Ali Gomaa condemned the clashes and said they "were toying with Egypt's national security."
The violence could not have been caused by "religious people who understand their religion, whether Muslim or Christian," he told the official MENA news agency.

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Sunday 1 May 2011

watches this very importent news Al-Qaida head bin Laden dead

we are saw this Al-Qaida head bin Laden dead

WASHINGTON – Osama bin Laden, the mastermind behind the Sept. 11 attacks against the United States, is dead, and the U.S. is in possession of his body, a person familiar with the situation said late Sunday.

President Barack Obama was expected to address the nation on the developments Sunday night.

Two senior counterterrorism officials confirmed that bin Laden was killed in Pakistan last week. One said bin Laden was killed in a ground operation, not by a Predator drone. Both said the operation was based on U.S. intelligence, and both said the U.S. is in possession of bin Laden's body.

Officials long believed bin Laden, the most wanted man in the world, was hiding a mountainous region along the Pakistan-Afghanistan border.

The officials spoke on the condition of anonymity in order to speak ahead of the president.

The development comes just months before the tenth anniversary of the Sept. 11 attacks on the World Trade Centers and Pentagon, orchestrated by bin Laden's al-Qaida organization, that killed more than 3,000 people.

The attacks set off a chain of events that led the United States into wars in Afghanistan, and then Iraq, and America's entire intelligence apparatus was overhauled to counter the threat of more terror attacks at home.

Al-Qaida organization was also blamed for the 1998 bombings of two U.S. embassies in Africa that killed 231 people and the 2000 attack on the USS Cole that killed 17 American sailors in Yemen, as well as countless other plots, some successful and some foiled.

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Monday 24 January 2011

Watch Haiti's Preval: 'Baby Doc' Duvalier 'must face justice

We are watch see the Haiti's Preval: 'Baby Doc' Duvalier 'must face justice

Haiti's ex-leader Jean-Claude "Baby Doc" Duvalier had the right to return to the country but must now face justice, President Rene Preval says.

Jean-Claude Duvalier is staying in a hotel in Haiti's capital, Port-au-Prince
Mr Preval was making his first comments on the issue since Mr Duvalier's unexpected return from exile last week.

Mr Duvalier has been charged with theft and misappropriation of funds during his 1971-1986 rule.

He is also being sued for torture and other crimes against humanity. He has said he is ready to face "persecution".

In a news conference on Friday, Mr Duvalier called for national reconciliation, claiming his return from France had been prompted by the earthquake that devastated Haiti last year and his desire to help rebuild the country.

On Saturday, Mr Preval said that according to the Haitian constitution, no-one could be forced to remain in exile.

"Duvalier had the right to return to the country, but under the constitution, he also must face justice," he said at a news conference during a visit by the Dominican president.

"If Duvalier is not in prison now, it is because he has not yet been tried."

Mr Duvalier is barred from leaving the country pending the outcome of an investigation into his alleged crimes, Mr Preval said.
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watch It Used to Be Called Bitterness

we are see the It Used to Be Called Bitterness

"The anger of a moment, the thousand pictures, that's us. This land, this red land, is us; and the flood years and the dust years and the drought years are us. We can't start again. The bitterness we sold to the junk man-he got it all right, but we have it still. And when the owner men told us to go, that's us; and when the tractor hit the house, that's us until we're dead. To California or any place-every one a drum major leading a parade of hurts, marching with our bitterness. And some day-the armies of bitterness will all be going the same way. And they'll walk together, and there'll be a dead terror from it."(1) -John Steinbeck, The Grapes of Wrath (1939)

Not long ago, then-Senator Barack Obama, when he was campaigning for the presidency, said, "You go into some of these small towns in Pennsylvania, a lot of them-like a lot of small towns in the Midwest, the jobs have been gone now for 25 years and nothing's replaced them. And they've gone through the Clinton administration, and the Bush administration, and each successive administration has said that somehow these communities are gonna regenerate and they have not. So it's not surprising then that they get bitter, and they cling to guns, or religion, or antipathy toward people who aren't like them, or anti-immigration sentiment as a way to explain their frustrations."

Unlike John Steinbeck, who observed the brutal and forced relocation of millions of tenant farmers during the Dust Bowl, President Obama has forgotten the causes of bitterness. And unlike Steinbeck, who understood human nature and how hard-working, independent, and fully human people can be dehumanized and stripped of their self-worth and dignity by unjust economic and political institutions, Obama appears to be incapable of comprehending what triggers episodic bouts of bitter retaliation. But Steinbeck knew how corrupt governmental policies can cause mental anguish and moral dilemmas, and how fraudulent institutions can cause material scarcity and the poverty of the soul.

When talking to Arabs and Muslim in the Middle East, neither will Secretary of State Hillary Clinton use the word "bitterness." Once in power, and as a member of the Owner Class, it is soothing to forget a husband's bitter betrayal. It is easy to dismiss a mean-spirited Republican Congress that belittled health care reforms and demeaned a person's character. Instead, those who resist U.S. occupation forces are extremists. Those who fight back against murderous drone attacks and repressive regimes-backed and supported by American military power and corporate elites-are always terrorists. Both Obama and Clinton talk about reforms and encourage people to believe in a better future.

But what are words and promises without concrete actions and results? Do repeated political injustices, ongoing economic injuries, and never ending pre-emptive wars, only fill a future with bitterness and hostility?

Rulers and Owners always forget this, just like they forget the Tenant People, who have to repeatedly sift through their belongings and possessions deciding on what to keep and to sell. The plow is of no more use, as is other junk, like household goods and other trivial material possessions. The Rulers and Owners, though, are buying more than junk. They are purchasing bitterness, a plow to plow their children under, buying the arms and spirits that might have saved them. The Owners and powerful political leaders of the world, with their wars and military machines and with their corporate takeovers and foreclosures, are buying bitterness.(2)

One can't start again. There's a premium that goes with these piles of junk, with stripping the human spirit of liberty and dignity. These packets of bitterness will continue to grow and flower someday. The Tenant People and working classes could have saved the Rulers and Owners. But they have cut down the Tenant People and the poor with their wars and with their continued neglect and their destructive values. Someday, there will be none to save them. The past has spoiled the present. It will more than likely ruin the future. When shoes and clothes and food, when even hope is gone, there is still the rifle. When the forefathers came-they had pepper and salt and a rifle. Nothing else.(3)

What is left behind must be burned. Leave it-or burn it up. What caused this injustice must somehow be confronted. Otherwise, how can you live with yourself? How will you know it's you without your past? No. Leave it. Burn it. Some sit among the doomed things, turning them over and looking past them and back, perhaps a photo, a letter, a picture of an angel, or a book like Pilgrim's Progress. Others look at their junk and economic injuries which are burned into their memories. How'll it be not to know what land's outside the door? How if you wake up in the night and knows-and knows the willow tree's not there? Can you live without the willow tree? Well, no, one can't. The land, house is you. That dreadful pain and bitterness is you.(4)
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watches Palestinians question 'offers' leaked by al-Jazeera

we are enjoy Palestinians question 'offers' leaked by al-Jazeera
The Palestinian Authority has accused al-Jazeera TV of distortion, after it leaked documents purporting to show offers of major concessions to Israel.

Mr Qurei (R) is said to have proposed concessions over East Jerusalem

President Mahmoud Abbas said the leaks had deliberately confused Palestinian and Israeli negotiating positions.

The documents suggest the Palestinians agreed to Israel annexing all but one settlement in occupied East Jerusalem - an offer Israel apparently rejected.

The BBC has been unable to verify the documents independently.

Al-Jazeera says it has more than 1,600 confidential records of meetings, e-mails, and communications between Palestinian, Israeli and US leaders covering the years 2000-2010.

The Palestinians are reported to have proposed an international committee to take over Islamic and Jewish holy sites in Jerusalem, and limiting the number of returning refugees to 100,000 over 10 years.

The papers are believed to have originated from the Palestinian side.

Mr Abbas, who is due to hold talks on the peace process on Monday with Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak, said negotiations had been carried out openly, and his fellow Arab leaders were aware of their contents.
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Sunday 23 January 2011

watches World’s first vending machine for gold installed in Tokyo

World’s first vending machine for gold installed in Tokyo

The special vending machine, which sells gold coins and bullions weighing from one to seven grammes to anyone wishing to do so, has been devised by the Space International Ltd Company.

The sole vending machine of its kind is installed here in a downtown building that houses the Company’s office. Another such vending machine is to be installed soon at Imperial Hotel in downtownTokyo.

The price of gold sold by the hambaiki is regulated every day in line with the stock market current prices. A gold coin weighing 7.2 grammes, issued by the Central Bank, is now the most expensive commodity sold by this vending machine at a price of approximately $410.

Company CEO Makishi Rokugawa points out, “It may so happen that waking up one day you would realize that all your money turned into a mere paper. This is why, I am sure that gold is the best way of monetary investment.”

Rokugawa told journalists that his company got far reaching plans for developing vending machines to sell precious metals. Next year the Space International is planning to reach out to the nationwide level, siting similar vending machines in a majority of large cities of Japan.

The Company also mulls in earnest over the possiblity of getting to the market of Hong Kong.

On the last day of 2010, gold price bounced up to an all-time high.

Many analysts are inclined to think that gold is currently the most optimum object of financial inputs. Besides , gold has been always immensely popular in China and India -- the two most rapidly developing economies of our time.

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enjoy Miss Slovakia 2011 Contestants Visit Pattaya

watches this enjoy Miss Slovakia 2011 Contestants Visit Pattaya

Twelve contestants in the Miss Slovakia 2011 beauty contest are visiting Bangkok, Phuket and Phi Phi Island between 7-21 January 2011, as part of the efforts by the Tourism Authority of Thailand (TAT) to make publicity and draw more visitors from Slovakia and other countries of Eastern Europe.

The Miss Slovakia 2011 pageant is extensively watched in the Czech Republic, Slovakia, and Hungary. It will generate wide exposure for Thailand, particularly Bangkok, Phuket and Phi Phi Island.

TAT will host lodging, transfers, and domestic air tickets for contestants, event organizers, and media members during their stay in Thailand.

TAT Frankfurt Director, Ms Suwalai Pinpradab said, “The event will improve Thailand’s good image and attract more visitors from these rapidly growing countries of Eastern Europe. It will exclusively help us target the key market segments of women and youth, the jet-set group, honeymooners, and family travellers.”

TAT has been working with European beauty pageant organizers to showcase all the key exclusive selling propositions of Thai tourism – marine tourism, excellent products, shopping, fashion and cooking classes, amongst others.

The contestants, event organizers, and associated members of the Belgian media were so intimidated by the warmth of the Thai hospitality, tourist attractions, and professionalism of the Thai support staff that the management team again chose Thailand as a backdrop destination for the Miss Belgium 2011 contest.

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