Sunday 22 August 2010

Ed Miliband welcome for disgruntled Liberal Democrats as Charles Kennedy denies defection

Watch Ed Miliband welcome for disgruntled Liberal Democrats as Charles Kennedy denies defection

Labour accused Nick Clegg of turning into ‘a kind of Tory’ yesterday as it invited disgruntled Liberal Democrats to defect.
Leadership candidates Ed Miliband, Ed Balls and Andy Burnham all attempted to exploit the growing discontent in Lib Dem ranks over the Deputy Prime Minister’s closeness to David Cameron.

Exploiting: Ed Miliband has been making of the most of the discontent in the Lib Dem ranks whilst Charles Kennedy has been forced to deny he was on the brink of defecting to Labour

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Former Lib Dem leader Charles Kennedy yesterday denied that he had been on the verge of changing parties, saying: ‘I will go out of this world feet first with my Lib Dem membership card in my pocket.’
But senior Labour figures, who have held private talks with several Lib Dem MPs about crossing the floor, stepped up their efforts to woo disgruntled Lib Dems.
Ed Miliband, the Shadow Energy Secretary, said: ‘I am definitely putting the welcome mat out for anyone who wants to join the Labour party, particularly ex-Liberal Democrats.

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Closet Tory: Nick Clegg is accused of forgetting his roots and becoming too Tory for Lib Dem party members

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'Nick Clegg has rather revealed himself as a kind of Tory, very close to being a Tory.
‘The reason why he and David Cameron are getting on so well and sending each other text messages is because I think they have the same ideology and I don’t think that is the ideology of most Liberal Democrat members.’
Mr Burnham said Lib Dems could join the Labour Party free of charge.

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