Saturday 21 August 2010

Domestic expediency dictates Obama's Middle East policy

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Obama ran for president on the slogan of taking the government back to the people from the grip of "special interests". Image Credit: DWYNN RONALD V. TRA ZO/ Gulf News
Shackled by special interest groups and fundamentalist lobbies, the pro-change leader needs to play for time

In order to understand President Barak Obama's present Middle East policy, it is necessary to review his initial agenda for "change" and to understand the pragmatic American political mentality that always looks at the world from two basic points of view:
Serving first and foremost the American national interest and the American national security.
"Politics is the art of possible", and what is "possible", is what is primarily suitable to domestic politics.
"Serving the national interest" became distorted by the US Congress into "serving the special interests" of those who pay for the bills of their election to Congress. National security has become subservient to "the special interests" entities who control the US Congress.
Obama ran for president on the slogan of taking the government back to the people from the grip of "special interests". This is "the change" promised by Obama to the American people. Indeed, he is the first president, who was not dependent on "special interest" money to get elected to the presidency. The people of the United States sent him $5 (Dh18) and $10 donations by the millions to free him from "special interests" money.
Obama came to power in the midst of an economic crisis, which had literally bankrupted America. The surplus of $1 trillion left by Bill Clinton was transformed by George .W. Bush into $1.5 trillion in the red. The US continues fighting the unfinished wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, in addition to its war against terrorism. President Obama's agenda was set "to take the American government back to the American people", through the following steps:
Recovery of the American economy moving in full gear.
A health care plan passed in Congress.
A bill passed in Congress restricting the greed of "Wall Street", so America and the world can never be robbed again.
Implementing "the change" in the American policy in the Middle East to influence the course of the war in Iraq, Afghanistan and the fight against international terrorism of Al Qaida in a way that favours the National Security of America.
Some of President Obama's closest aides (who did the impossible of getting him elected) are liberal adherents to the Jewish faith. And like many American politicians and thinkers, they have concluded that the Palestinian/Israeli conflict is turning into "a fight till death" between Jewish fundamentalism and Islamist fundamentalism. The Jewish fundamentalists (Israeli colonisers) are helped by Christian fundamentalists, the power base of the Republicans, who are now backed by "the special interests" against Obama — America is the Arena for this "fight till death". This view is held by many in the American intelligence community and the military establishment, and it will affect US in a catastrophic way. The failure to reach a peaceful settlement in the Middle East would determine the course of the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan and the security of the oil fields in the Middle East, the blood line of Western economy. The Obama "change" was announced in Cairo. Then, how can any observer reconcile what was said in Cairo with what is actually happening on the ground now with America's appeasement policy favouring Israel against the whole world?
A lot has happened in America. The Obama "change" created a huge number of deadly enemies, hell bent on destroying the present American administration to prevent the taking of Congress back to the American people from the "special interests". Some are openly producing extreme hate against Obama on "talk shows" to encourage his assassination (political assassination in the least) to end his presidency. The command of this campaign is being headed by "the far right" of the Republican Party who elected Bush and their natural allies, the Israeli far right, who are dominating the present Israeli government. This campaign focus is on taking back Congress from the Democratic Party in order to prevent Obama's re-election.

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