Friday 8 October 2010

Watches Australian team question Pearson disqualification

Australian team question Pearson disqualification

ELIZABETH JACKSON: It's been a night of high drama for Australia at the Delhi Commonwealth Games.

Sprinter Sally Pearson was disqualified after becoming the first Australian since 1974 to win the 100 metres sprint.

It took officials about four gruelling hours to decide to disqualify Pearson for a false start.

Australian athletics manager Eric Hollingsworth says he's not happy with the process.

Alister Nicholson reports from Delhi.

ALISTER NICHOLSON: Sally Pearson had every right to be emotional. The 24 year old thought she had won Australia's first gold medal in the women's 100 metres since 1974 only to have it taken away.

SALLY PEARSON: I guess I'm just numb right now. I don't really know how to feel, obviously devastated.

ALISTER NICHOLSON: The start of the race was the cause of all the controversy. English sprinter Laura Turner was deemed to have false started but ran the race under protest. She was no match for Pearson who won in 11.28 seconds.

Beaming with pride and draped in the Australian flag Pearson soaked up the moment. But as she prepared for the medal ceremony officials informed her of a protest.

ERIC HOLLINGSWORTH: The English team management protested against Sally. Obviously they had a girl who finished fourth and Sally being disqualified gives them the chance to get a bronze medal. It's as simple as that.

ALISTER NICHOLSON: Athletics Australia section manager Eric Hollingsworth didn't share the view that Pearson like Turner had false started.

ERIC HOLLINGSWORTH: All of us saw that it could be a false start but the data said she wasn't the one that broke. And that's what I think everyone needs to understand. She wasn't the one that broke even though all our TV screens and the pictures looked like she was the first one away.

ALISTER NICHOLSON: Was what the English did in the spirit of the games tonight?
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